Week 8 – Analysis & Interpretation Instructions

Time for the real meat of your project! What is the answer to your research question(s)? One of the hazards of doing a project like this during a short amount of time is that you don’t always have time to sit and chew on the results of your data crunching or visualization (sorry for all the food metaphors). Set aside time for your team to really think through the results of your work. Your analysis and interpretation should be grounded in evidence and the conventions of your chosen method.


  • Due August 3rd at 11:59 EST
  • Post to WordPress. 
  • Submit link on Canvas.
  • At least 500 words.
  • Your analysis should address the following, though you are free to structure in a way that makes sense to you and your project, not just as headings:
    • The answer to your research question(s) and whether those questions changed over time.
    • The evidence for your answer. How did the DH tools/methods help you achieve that answer and where did they hinder you? What other methods might be needed to fully comprehend this answer?
    • An acknowledgment of the various theoretical approaches to your method and how your project relies on them – or not.
    • How your project addresses the issues of social justice raised in our readings, in discussion, or your own awareness of issues on your campuses.

Marcella Lees

Hello! I am one of your TA's and the course coordinator for this course. I just graduated from Carleton and am excited to keep working in DH!

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