Get Ready for Math 118

Welcome! You may have a lot of questions, including “why was I sent here?” and “who made this website?” and “what am I going to have for lunch?”  We will answer 66.7% of those questions, and many more, in the following video and list of FAQs.

Based on your results on the math placement test, the math department believes that Math 118 is the math course most suited for you. We’ve designed this website to help you get ready for the course and provide you with resources to help you once the course is in full swing. So sit back, grab your mystery lunch, and please enjoy the following welcome video.

Click here for the FAQs.

Click here for Lecture Notes for Math 118

Click here to get set up with Mathematica

Be sure to read the Assess, Practice, and What’s Next pages to get a full understanding of this website and your next semester.