Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 154, 220, 23233, 249
Radio-Electronics, 26973
Radio Shack, 275

TRS-80, 267
RAM (random-access memory)
first, 25051
1K, 261, 26364
64K, 282
vs, ROM, 269

Rand, James, 182, 21718
Rand Corporation, 154
Random access retrieval, 73
Range, John, 169
Raytheon Associates, 158, 241
Real-time computer. See SABRE computer; Whirlwind computer
Reckoner, See Stepped Reckoner
Rectilinear slide rule, 1112
Regenerative memory, 220
Relay calculators for complex arithmetic, 1013
Relay circuits and symbolic logic, 1001
Relays, calculators and, 9394
Relay switches, and binary math, 100
Remington Rand

loss of lead by, 21820
merger of, 217
in 1928, 183
programming effort of, 211
start of, 182
UNIVAC and, 16264, 213

Remote computing, 102
Roberts, Edward, 271

Altair 8800 and, 27276
background of, 27071

Roberval, Pierre de, 2728
Robinson, John Frederick, 43
Rock, Arthur, 259, 280
ROM (read-only memory), 261, 263, 269
Royal McBee, 220
Royal Radar Establishment, 23032
Royal Society of London, 4243, 47
Russell, Bertrand, 91, 14344