Homebrew Computer Club

There are slides devoted to this topic: Lecture 10a, pp. 11-18, Lecture 12b, pp. 3-4.


Check out the Computer History Museum’s page on the Homebrew Computing Club. This “Memoir of a Homebrew Computer Club Member” is quite extensive, and links out to more resources on mentioned topics. Read Steve Wozniak’s article “Homebrew and How the Apple Came to Be,” which explains how hobbyist culture cultivated Woz’s drive to create a computer. Also included are some great excerpted articles and illustrations from the Homebrew newsletter. Can’t get enough of those Homebrew paraphernalia? Check out DigiBarn Computer Museum‘s “Special Online Exhibit of Homebrew Computer Club Newsletters,” which includes three years of HCC newletters as well as other related primary source documents.


Check out this short video interview with early Homebrew Computer Club members Len Shustek and Lee Felsenstein, who talk about their involvement in the HCC and Gates’ “Open Letter to Hobbyists.”