Moore’s Law


Visit the Computing History Museum to read about “Moore’s Law,” the 1965 theorem by which Gordon Moore – head of Fairchild’s R & D team – claimed that the number of transistors on a semiconductor would double every year. Moore’s revised the specifics, but Moore’s Law still holds.


Watch “Moore’s Law’s Got Me!”, a short video produced by Intel that humorously explains the law’s significance. If you’re on the lookout for something more technical, however, check out “What is Moore’s Law,” in which the host actually explains the Moore’s Law and its implications for computing.

Afterwards, hear from Gordon Moore himself. In this longer interview, Moore goes through his involvement in semiconductor history, the challenges of the computing business and scientific innovations, and Moore’s Law, which he calls “a wild extrapolation off very little data.”

Gordon Moore discusses his Law at 40 years. Start watching at the 18-minute mark, as he talks about his life and the Law. Or, watch Moore talk about his time at Fairchild Semiconductors and Intel in this oral history.


IEEE: “Establishing Moore’s Law,” Ethan Mollick. So you might be asking yourself, “How has Moore’s Law survived for so long?!” Read this well-written article to learn how the Law is upheld: the author argues that Moore’s insider-knowledge prophecies accurately anticipated microprocessing challenges, but that international industry pressures have made the Law a self-fulfilling prophecy.